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Crystal Tips for New Moon Time  

The most magical time for me,

new moon,

new beginnings,

new opportunities


a new cycle that begins,

new life

It's a magical time to set new intentions, I always say to concentrate on the here and now in this moment, that's the secret to everything...🧘‍♀️ One of the most wonderful things about practicing meditation is the concentration in this moment that brings with it peace, balance and grounding.

When we are grounded and balanced, it is easier for us to think and magnetize the things we want, our passions, magnetize them to the physical....everything is there, we just have to attract the physical to us🧘‍♀️

Crystal tips 💎

💎 Purification of the space, the improvisation, the home, the clinic and whatever you choose. In order to bring in/summon new energy, you have to make room for it and release any old energy, stuck energy, etc....

Can be cleansed with white sage, magwort, blue sage, dragon's blood, frankincense and rosemary.

💎 Open a circle of light, a circle of protection with selenite, it is also possible with clean quartz but personally I prefer with selenite which is a stone of light 🤍

💎 Light a candle with an intention, there is no need to spend hundreds of shekels on candles, a white candle is enough, a white candle is suitable for any chosen work, it has the entire spectrum of colors in it and is white, purity🕯

You can draw symbols on it, you can write an intention on it, draw oils, plants and more...

💎A new moon is a new beginning, this new moon cycle is an excellent time to take our diary, our confirmation notebook, our intentions or simply a page and a pen and write down our goals for the month/new cycle... put 💖 that you write in the present tense, our brain understands present and so is the universe 🙏 for every day to read your intentions twice a day, in the morning when you wake up and the last thing you do before you go to sleep, read, get excited, feel... program your mind, remember that our body is mostly made of water? So is our mind...water is just as programmable as quartz.

💎 You can add clean quartz, the frequency of the clean quartz is similar to the programmable water frequency and while reading you will hold the clean quartz in your left hand and thus program it for your fulfillments.

💎 You can work with our guidance the cards, oracle or tarot, whatever you connect to, ask for guidance for the coming month, pull out a card or cards that you feel and place on the card that came out a quartz generator or even a small grid in order to amplify the message, the frequency of the card🧚‍♀️

💎 My favorite bay leaves, write down on a bay leaf the energy you want to bring into your life in the next cycle, in the next month like:

Abundance, love, health, etc...

Take a fireproof vessel, you can place a clean quartz generator in the center to strengthen the intention, sprinkle cinnamon powder around to speed up the fulfillment process and burn the bay leaves in the vessel, it is important while lighting, to observe all the rules of caution and work with the intention ♀️ 🙏🧘

💎 New moon, those who haven't seen the video about Dr. Imato's research on our YouTube channel, now is the time 🙏 Water can be programmed just like clean quartz and we are mostly made of water, water resonates and affects each other and today is a great time to set your intentions in a water bottle, charge it in the light of the new moon and drink for the whole month the water you like magic🌟

Of course, you can add a quartz generator to increase the energy, just be careful drinking

💎Oils and plants for magneto, patchouli, mint, orange and copal.

💎New moon, it's also a great time to create new grids and activate them.

You can also recharge crystals with the light of the new moon with which you will want to work on new energies.

💎 At the end of the ceremony, the energetic work, close the portal circle that you opened at the beginning of the ceremony and give thanks for the privilege, the marble, the crystals, the oils, the water and everything that was present for you🙏

I will teach you a method later to work with the oils

All the tips here in the article have videos with precise explanations

On our YouTube channel called My White Magic I highly recommend visiting the channel and of course following us for more crystal tips 💎

From me in a sea of love💖

Congratulating you on a blessed fulfillment ♀️ 🧚

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