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Purification of a smoke-free space

The question is often asked how it is possible to purify the space without smoke, some people are less fond of or connected to working with smoke and there are also those who prefer not to purify at certain times or not to purify with children in the space, so are there other ways to purify besides the smoke?

Purification with smoke is a purification that has been done many times in history, one of the most sacred and common ways, but yes, there are people who have a hard time with it and indeed there are methods without the smoke, personally I really like to purify with smoke and this is how I usually purify my space, but I will share with you other ways that are no less powerful.

We must always remember to work with pure intention, to put our intention in every action we do because we are the most powerful energy magnet that exists (our importance + our words + our feelings).

💎Crystals - selenite rod, selenite is made of 90 percent water and is considered one of the purifiers and thanks to its growth (needles needles) it does not need intentional purification as its growth allows an energetic transition therefore it does not store energy.

With the selenite you can go like a comb around our inert body and of course in space.

Other crystals with which the same operation can be done are clean quartz, amethyst and smoky quartz.

Quartz is a master healer, the master of crystals and is considered a powerful purifier, the dream amethyst one of the breastplate stones knows how to release toxins and negative energies, smoky quartz is considered powerful for protection and the ability to turn negative energies into positive ones.

Of course you can also place them in the space for protection, it is better to place shapes that will do the job effectively like colonies or balls.

Another crystal that can be placed in the space for guarding and protection is the black tourmaline that creates an energetic protection network in the space that we will place.

It is important to purify these crystals from time to time, when you feel or after there was a fight in the space or any energy that is not good for us.

💎 Another way is solfeggio frequencies, there is an article on the website, separate about working with them and all frequencies, you are welcome 🙏 Powerful frequencies for purification are 417 Hz and 174 Hz, they can be played on TV, on the phone and more... there are a lot of videos on YouTube (in days In the near future we will also make recommendations on our website).

They can be activated not only when you are in the space, I usually leave them on even when I am not at home and also usually leave windows open to allow the energy to be released.

💎pendulum, personally I like to work with pendulums made of crystals, I am very attached to the quartz pendulum, all you have to do is stand in the center of the space, when the pendulum rotates counterclockwise it releases the energy and we ask it to release any energy that does not serve us, any stuck energy, any negative energy etc....

When she turns clockwise, she brings in energy and we ask her to bring in light, love and whatever you ask for...

💎 Intention - light a candle and simply stand in the center of your space and ask to release everything that is not in your favor, everything that you feel wants to be released or that you want to be released, imagine a white light, a light that passes through the space in a spiral manner and cleans the space and releases everything that is not in your favor.

💎A candle on a bed of coarse salt, I personally like the Himalayan salt, let the candle simply light in the space with your intention to simply let go.

💎Sea water - if you have the possibility to bring sea water, sea the element of water is liberation, purification and simply wash the house with it with the intention of purification and liberation.


The article is from the crystal healing course, in the course I teach about additional ways and show how to do it🧚‍♀️

Remember two important things, work intuitively with what you feel because it is the most accurate for you, work also in the corners of space because energies like to get stuck where it is hard to reach

And another important thing, after releasing energy it is important to bring in new energy

A sea of success, light and love 🤍🤍🤍

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