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A rare and relatively new crystal found only in mines surrounding the Dominican Republic, in a tropical location with clear water.

In 1916 Father Miguel Domingo discovered the first piece of Larimer, he called it the rare blue stone of Atlantis, to this day many claim that it is linked to Atlantis, later pieces of Larimer were discovered on the Dominican coast but slowly disappeared.

In 1974, a guy named Miguel Mendez went out to look for more mines of the Halrimer, he asked for a mining permit from the Dominican government and we can say that thanks to him we get to work with them today. It is named after Mendez's home, Larissa, and after the ocean (Mar, in Spanish) Lari-Mar.

Larimar has never been found outside the Dominican Republic, it is considered a very mystical stone, a stone that connects to ancient wisdom, to Atlantis, connects to truth, activates, cleans and balances the throat chakra (one of the most powerful) is considered powerful in everything related to empowerment and the activation of divine wisdom.

Today some associate it with communication with dolphins and in general with animals, many people like to dive with it in case of an encounter with dolphins 🐬, it is linked to the element of water, calmness and peace, helps release fears and calm anger within and around us.

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