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Crystal message #1💎

A colony is a natural form

Created by Mother Earth.

She's here to remind us that we're all in this together,

We are all special and unique.

We are all connected

And we all actually come from the same source.

The colony is here to remind us of the power we have to collectively resonate frequencies and transmit them to the universe.

A crystalline colony resonates the frequency powerfully in space,

It creates harmony and balance.

Every crystal you place on it will purify it and amplify the frequency, it will help resonate its frequency powerfully and harmoniously in space.

The minerals that grow on the colony (amethyst, smoky, quartz, etc...) strengthen, recharge and purify each other.

They work in harmony.

in balance, and working together.

She has a lesson for us💎 especially in this period.

It is highly recommended to place colonies

In shared spaces, in spaces of shared activities, family rooms, learning spaces, meditation, and more....

Best regards Crystal,

love 🤍

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