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also called the fairy stone,

I call it a hug from the rainbow 🌈 known for its power to balance and soften.

Strengthens the teeth and bones.

Although it is known that it existed further in history, we know little about it from that period because it is difficult to understand when it is meant according to the sources, but it is connected to the period of ancient Rome.

The gemologist GF Kunz described a scientific experiment at the beginning of the 18th century that was conducted in Germany, where they tested the effect of the crystals on someone known for her sensitivity, she did not feel the first stones and precisely when they gave her the fluorite she experienced deep muscle relaxation and fell asleep.

Today it is known that it helps in situations of attention deficit disorder, helps with muscle contractions, is considered to improve trance states and enhances spiritual development.

Considered a protection crystal, helps to identify when there are energies that do not serve us or do us no good around us and helps to release those energies.

In cases where we feel that we are in chaos, a mess and not in focus, she will quickly help us return to the center.

Helps to get information and is therefore highly recommended for students.

Helps our soul to connect to its destiny.

Strengthens the immune system and helps as preventive medicine especially for everything related to the heart chakra, the physical heart, vision, breathing and everything related to muscles and muscle inflammation.

Fluorite is considered one of the balancers, helps release fears, sleep paralysis and prevent unwanted journeys...

The blue fluorite helps to balance the neurological system to balance the nervous subsystems, parasympathetic and sympathetic, when to calm down and when to press the gas pedal.

Green fluorite dissipates excess energy, cleans emotional traumas, yellow fluorite removes toxins from the emotional body.

Situations where people live in illusions, she will help them see beyond the illusions so that they can make decisions in their best interest.

Resonates to the heart chakra and higher chakras.

Helps to reprogram the DNA, problems with teeth, muscles, lungs, heart, digestive system, respiratory system, nerves and skin.

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