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Rainbow Quartz - Fire and Ice

A high frequency quartz, it underwent a thermal market process which helped it to emit cosmic fire in a sea of arcs. His inner power fertilizes the earth, the soul and activates a wide consciousness. It contains ancient knowledge about shamanic medicine, a type of images and symbols that need to be intuitively connected to in order to gain knowledge about transformation.

In order to work with him you need to connect with him, feel worthy and feel that you are able to take responsibility for your emotional and karmic healing.

You must understand that the work is yours and not the quartz's, it will be with you to support and help you in the process.

Rainbow quartz is a crystal that raises the frequency of happiness, joy, it is a crystal of new beginnings and of rebirth.

Rainbow quartz carries the Buddhist diamond healing energy and is associated with Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing, it is associated with ancient Egypt.

It is said to hold within it a frequency of the heart chakra of a mountain range (Andes) through which the earth's kundalini flows.

It contains pure love, unconditional love, its purpose is to expand the light, it has a strong frequency of gravity, it is completely a crystal of new beginnings, growth, development, it reveals the purpose of the soul and can help create a renewed reality, by opening the eye The third, a journey on the timelines for infinite possibilities.

He comes from Brazil and has undoubtedly a very high bit energy.

Physically it acts on the pineal gland and pituitary gland, energetically redefining the endocrine system and neurotransmitters. Helps in cleansing the kidneys, heals the higher etheric and spiritual bodies.

Ignite the Kundalini energy and expands the light.

Resonating with all the chakras.

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